Weekly Bulletin

Upcoming Events & Announcements


Friday, February 28 & Saturday, March 1, Millbrook Campus
This global event will connect believers across the world to worship and pray so that we can reach the world for Christ.
Friday, February 28 - Women's Only Event. Missionary Susan Goff from UNTO will share her experiences, followed by livestream featuring speakers like Jennie Allen, Francis Chan and Sadie Robertson Huff.
Saturday, March 1 - Everyone Welcome
Men, women and children of all ages are invited to join us.
Find additional details HERE. Register HERE.

Child Dedication

Sunday, March 23, Both Campuses
This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to publicly declare their intent to guide and raise their child in faith as our church family prays over you. If you wish to dedicate your child, there is a required Parent Meeting on Sunday, March 9 at 12:30pm after the 11am service. For details, visit HERE

Men's Monthly Breakfast

Saturdays, 7:30-9:00am, Millbrook Campus
Join other Crossroads Men (18+) for "Developing a Leader's Heart," a study on the book of Nehemiah. Come enjoy breakfast, be challenged through the Word of God and other men in your small group. Register HERE


Youth Conference, March 14-15, hosted by Providence Church, Raleigh
UNITED is a fun and powerful two-day event bringing together youth from churches across the Triangle. Enjoy great worship, teaching, breakout sessions, games, and service opportunities. For a detailed schedule, visit the UnitedNC website. Students are responsible for their own transportation.
Cost: $75 (includes event admission, Crossroads Youth t-shirt, and meals on Saturday).  Space is limited, so REGISTER today!

Sunday's Sermon Notes

You can access today's sermon NOTES on the YouVersion Bible App.
Find the FILL-IN NOTES here.

Prayer Requests

It is a privilege to pray for you. Submit your prayer requests by clicking the button below.
Crossroads Pastors and Elders will pray over you and your request .  

Crossroads Fellowship General Fund

2024-2025 Annual General Giving Goal  - $4,723,700
(Crossroads operates on a Fiscal Year: August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025)
Give online HERE or text CRFNC to 77977.